Sit Still & Ponder

"Gaze into Nothingness"
*this sketch from an old book of mine, brings out the right feelings during this lockdown period - time to just sit still, and ponder*

This lock down has definitely given us lots of time -
To Think, To Clean.
To Cook, To Book.
To Adapt, To Understand.
To Respect, To Retrospect.

Time to cook that one special meal.
Time to give the wardrobe a new feel.

Time to re-run the Potter series.
Time to answer my garden's queries.

Time to upgrade your personal self.
Time to read those books lying on the shelf.

Time to bring the board games to light.
Time to re-connect with friends out of sight.

Time to dust those corner webs.
Time to nap, and take that rest.

Time to re-arrange our home, our dwellings.
Time to show some gratitude, for all our blessings.

Time to make the rusting body stretch.
Time to rummage through old notes and sketch.

Time to sit lazily with hot cup of chai.
Time to gaze into the vast beautiful sky.
